Ready for the ultimate escape?
- If you're a new client, completing the form below helps me get to know you better, assess if we’re a good fit, and, if so, plan our date. Please note, incomplete inquiries and emails lacking screening information (e.g., “Are you available on...?”) will not receive a reply, as compatibility is important to me and my decision to meet is based on more than just my schedule.
- If you're returning, I'm flattered! Send me an email with all the important details (date/time/duration/plans), and we'll watch our connection grow even deeper with time, each date better than the last.
- If you're a companion, please know you are welcome to email me about references, duos, mentorship, or just meeting up. I'd love to hear from you!
You're alluring blind date,
Léa ("LAY-uh")
P.S. Curious about how to type the é?

Appointment Request Form
When completed correctly, a confirmation message will appear after clicking "submit." I typically reply to form submissions within 24 hours. (Haven't heard from me in 48 hours? First, check your spam folder; If you still don't see a reply, you may follow-up directly.)